Rhodiola has a long tradition for being a herb to support both physical and mental endurance and stamina. This herb has been proven to reduce tissue damage and improve muscle recovery time. Even Olympic athletes and astronauts have used Rhodiola for its supportive anti-fatigue and anti-stress. In this modern life of constant energy-depleting stress, Rhodiola provides the perfect support.

Ginger has a wide variety of immediate benefits from being soothing for rheumatic joints to settling an upset stomach. Ginger has a magnitude of actions to reduce inflammation and to minimize oxidative damage in the body. The herb works well, is safe and is complimentary to many other herbs. It provides even more efficiency in their uses when combined.

Blueberries one of the few fruits native to North America that are now a common staple in household. Elders in tribes first shared folklore of the ‘star berries’ as the blossom end of the berries forms a perfectly point five star, that was intended to alleviate the children of hunger during a famine. Blueberries are a very rich source of antioxidants, specifically high in anthocyanins which greatly help the body fight the impact of oxidative stress. To be exact one cup of local blueberries has 9,019 antioxidants, each one helps the body heal.

Turmeric is much more than curcumin. In its whole form, turmeric provides many nutrients our bodies can use to help nourish and balance itself particularly when it comes to inflammation and oxidation. It provides optimal whole body well-being from joint health and mobility, to digestion and aiding in the relief of pain. Turmeric promotes a healthy inflammatory response that is natural to the body for greater healing.

Maca is an ancient superfood prized for increasing vitality while nurturing the body into balance. This adaptogenic herb was traditionally fermented and has been described as 'nature's Viagra' by enhancing stamina and virility. It is useful for hormonal balance, mood and emotional well-being for both women and men to promote recentering.

There are more than 1,000 different types of cherries and if you only had to pick one to give you all the nutrients for optimal wellbeing, Acerola Cherry should be that one for you. Packed with phytonutrients including carotenoids, flavonoids, anthocyanins and has one of the highest amounts of vitamin C for antioxidant actions. All beneficial for boosting immunity, collagen production, preventing free radical damage, healing the body from inflammation damage, protects mucous membranes, fights against infections, and helps alleviates cold and flu symptoms.

Aloe vera has been used for centuries by different ancient cultures around the world. Aloe's gel and latex may be used to heal wounds on and in the body, internally consumed or externally applied working as an inflammatory and immunomodulatory. Aloe vera is particularly effective in taking nutrients deep into the connective tissues and repairing damage to the membranes by the high polysaccharides stimulating epidermal growth in the digestive tract and skin layers.
Aloe may improve protein digestion, assimilation, and bacterial decay; also assisting in stomach and small intestine ulcers and lowers stomach acid. Aloe vera helps regenerate a strong digestive lining and a healthy digestive flow.

Ashwagandha is a unique herb with amazing actions and is regarded as the ultimate 'adaptogen' - an herb that brings balance and harmony to the whole body. A powerhouse of a herb that is used for a variety of conditions, from balancing the nervous system to reducing stress, anxiety, and ultimately promoting healthy aging and vitality by rejuvenating the whole body.

Artichoke is uniqely delicious, considered a strong medicinal plant strangley part of the sunflower family, native to the Mediterranean and is recognized as the world’s oldest food. Artichoke is a great source of many nutrients, including high in prebiotic fibres which gently stimulates bowel movement. Further, the artichoke eases indigestion, abdominal tension, flatulence, and supports a overstimulated liver and gallbladder - the artichoke works to rebuild of a healthy gut flora.

An exceptional fermentation process to naturally age organic fresh garlic bulbs over a long period of time to create antioxidant-rich black garlic. Whole garlic aged to perfection is a potent anti-inflammatory and stable antioxidant that is a superior health solution to assist the body as we age and in times of stress by supporting cardiovascular and circulatory healthy, while promoting healthy immunity and wellbeing.

A renowned household herb for its endless list of conditions it aids to promote in regard to relaxation, calming and anti-inflammatory actions. An excellent gentle sedative for insomnia and anxiety, safe for children, pregnancy, and breast-feeding. Optimally used for the digestion tract including for indigestion, flatulence, upset stomach, cramping and inflammation of the stomach (gastritis) and of the mouth (gingivitis) and sore throats.

Chicory is a plant similar to and in the same family as the dandelion plant, where all parts of the plant may be used but with bright blue flowers. Chicory may help relive stomach upset, slow transit, loss of appetite and supports liver and gallbladder problems. It is an excellent bitter food, rich in prebiotic foods, helps stimulate digestive processes necessary for bringing digestion back to a healthy state.

Fennel seeds are used an excellent stomach an intestinal remedy which stimulates the digestive process and appetite. The volatile oils (anethole and fenchone) in fennel seeds smooth intestinal muscles to relieve gripping and making it very effective in removing gas and inflammation from the body. It is a good general digestive support and helps support a healthy gut flora.

Known as the ‘incomparable one’, Holy Basil helps to lower elevated cortisol, improves mood and calms an overactive nervous system. Helps calm frazzled nerves and improves mental clarity and focus. Holy Basil provides a clear, connected mind and spirit; both uplifts and calms so you can stay centered.

Milk Thistle is an effective detoxifying and restor- ative herb that works to revitalize and strengthen the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and kidneys. It aids in the production of bile, effectively filtering toxins while regenerating damaged cells and protecting healthy cells. It also aids in the production of new, stronger liver cells. Milk Thistle contains antioxidant properties that support rejuvenation in the whole body from the liver to the skin.