The history of kombucha is a mystery but the most likely place of origin is Asia as far back as two thousand years ago. Only recently has it become popular with a North American audience. Kombucha is a fermented drink made from bacteria and yeast with either black or green tea.
It’s really the fermentation process that gives kombucha it’s nutritious value and benefits. Fermentation is a metabolic process that converting sugar into chemical compounds such as yeast as in bread or lactic acid such as in sauerkraut, enhancing the good microorganisms including the probiotic bacteria in the fermentation.

This coconut yogurt features Living Alchemy’s Your Flora Symbiotics made with an exclusive Kefir-kombucha fermentation.
The probiotics produced during fermentation supports with gut health, improving digestion and inflammation while reducing bloating. Also optimizing your gut with probiotics can help cope with stress, anxiety, and increase your energy levels too.
There are a wide variety of fermented foods, which we eat in our diet including sauerkraut, tempeh, miso, and a staple of most North America diets – yogurt. Yogurt is typically produced by bacterial fermentation of dairy milk, however, there are other alternatives such as coconut yogurt, which we will give you a special recipe for.
Did you know that making coconut yogurt at home is surprisingly simple? Fermented coconut yogurt is very nutritious and rich in fiber and minerals. We have a simple two-step recipe with only two ingredients giving you a delicious and simple snack, dessert or breakfast.
This coconut yogurt features Living Alchemy’s Your Flora Symbiotics – the next generation of probiotics, which are made with an exclusive Kefir-kombucha fermentation.
Just follow these simple steps and you and Your Flora will enjoy!
Fermented coconut yogurt is very nutritious and rich in fiber and minerals.
Two Ingredients:
1. Coconut Cream
Refrigerate a can of full-fat coconut milk for a minimum of 12 hours. Scoop off all the coconut cream from the top of the can and place in a glass jar. Mix in 2 tablespoons of the coconut water left from the bottom of the can. Add more coconut water if you prefer a thinner texture of yogurt.
2. Your Flora FAMILY Symbiotics
Using Living Alchemy’s Your Flora FAMILY, made with organic bananas and BC blueberries, twist open 6 capsules into a small bowl.
Two Steps:
1. Mix
Stir the Your Flora FAMILY powder into the coconut cream. Make sure there are no lumps of powder and everything is mixed well.
2. Ferment!
Cover the jar with a clean dish cloth or cheesecloth and secure with an elastic band. Place in a room temperature area, out of direct sunlight, for 12 hours. If you like yogurt that’s more tart, let ferment for longer. Refrigerate once you’ve reached your desired taste.
Optional, but to make it even better….
Top yogurt with your favorite fresh or dried fruits, nuts, granola, cacao or stir in chia seeds to make chia pudding. Add organic, raw honey for more medicinal benefits and as a natural sweetener.
Recipe by: Certified Nutritional Practitioner, Irene Pauline @irenepauline
Product feature: Your Flora FAMILY @TheRealAlchemy